In 2005, the FFLCH-USP Library was inaugurated with a unified collection, receiving the name ‘Florestan Fernandes Library’, in honor of sociologist Florestan Fernandes, who for a long time served as a professor of the Faculty. In the library you can find, borrow and read course and reference books and consult journals and databases within the social sciences. You can also find study places, computer workstations and meeting rooms at your disposal.

Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes - travessa 12, nº 350 CEP: 05508-000 - Cidade Universitária - São Paulo - SP / Brazil.

Read more about library services on the library website:​​​​​​​

Biblioteca florestan fernandes 1

Photo: Arquivo SCS/FFLCH

FFLCH Biblioteca 202-15 Foto-Cecília-Bastos-71-506x337

Library FFLCH/USP . Photo: Cecília Bastos/USP Imagem